Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages with Clickable Button
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Want To Send Bulk SMS?

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Send Bulk WhatsApp: WhatsApp has become one of the most used applications after chatting with friends and families all over the world. However, WhatsApp has 2 billion active users that are using this platform to communicate with each other for multiple purposes.

Therefore seeing active users in a large number on this single platform has made businesses jump on the bandwagon of written and visual communication. To use this application as WhatsApp advertising messages. Both communications mediums are so easy and popular on this platform that is being continued. If you come to know about visual and even written communication both has so many advantages. Which will inform your customers about your service and products in a comprehensive manner compared to other mass communication channels. 

As a business, you would choose this communication platform to inform your customers that are looking for your products or services. The services are so easy and simple when you choose WhatsApp bulk SMS for your business. WhatsApp bulk SMS is one of the only services that is being used to approach customers in a well-planned manner. In this article we will describe how to send WhatsApp bulk SMS

What is WhatsApp bulk messaging? 

WhatsApp bulk messaging is a messaging service used to approach a large scale number of people. In order to communicate and sell services or products of a particular company or sometimes run a non-profit campaign. Companies are using the service of WhatsApp with bulk messages to communicate with the targeted customers and this has given results to the businesses. So, seeing the results of

WhatsApp promotional massages the companies are jumping on the bandwagon to approach their targeted audience every time.
Businesses can freely use the services of this application’s platform to promote their businesses to a large audience in minutes. Companies do not have to make so many efforts to run a campaign on the platform of WhatsApp. 

Who Can Use WhatsApp Bulk SMS? 

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There is no bar for businesses to use the service of  WhatsApp bulk messages to advertise the business in the most simple and easiest way. Still, most of the businesses are using the service of bulk SMS to communicate with the customers/ clients and even with other businesses as well. However, this becomes more important to look for a trusted and complete service provider of WhatsApp bulk SMS. 

There are so many companies that are providing this service of WhatsApp bulk SMS but we have made it easy for you to meet the best service provider like GetItSMS. GetItSMS the bulk SMS service provider is one of the top service providers in India which is providing its service to thousands of customers all over the country. So, to have the service of WhatsApp bulk SMS for your business you do not have to see what types of business you are? Whenever for whatever purpose you can choose the service of the GetItSMS platform.

If you are a business of e-commerce, university/ college, hospitals, restaurant, schools, tours and travel, hotels and other such businesses you can always service bulk WhatsApp messages. To inform them about your services and products or other purposes by using WhatsApp bulk SMS API provided by GetItSMS anywhere and anytime. 

This is how there is no bar for any of the businesses to communicate with the targeted customers that are looking for services or products.

If you are planning to choose the service of bulk WhatsApp message sender this will be your right decision to promote your business using this platform WhatsApp with GetItSMS. However, still, most businesses are using this platform to promote their business using WhatsApp promotional messages. This platform has given the results to the companies that are using this service to meet their targeted audience.

What is GetItSMS WhatsApp Bulk Message API?

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API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and in WhatsApp, this is used to communicate with customers so businesses can answer questions from the customers unlimitedly. Companies like GetItSMS are experts in this field to provide the services of WhatsApp Bulk SMS API which will help your business in so many ways all the time. However, GetItSMS has helped its clients a lot with WhatsApp bulk SMS to promote a company using GetItSMS API. 

How to send bulk msg on whatsapp with GetItSMS?

WhatsApp is the largest and most populist application in the world that will help your business to drive more leads and traffic for your business. There is no doubt about not having your potential customers because this application has billions of users all over the world. In the counties, you are using the service of WhatsApp bulk messages all the customers of you are using this platform. So, this has created an opportunity for you to approach your customers that are looking for your services and products to be available.

Below we have given the whole process of WhatsApp bulk SMS to use for your business. Follow the steps to send WhatsApp bulk messages in the easiest way. 

Choose a service provider that fits your needs and give you a better service of WhatsApp bulk SMS. We have mentioned the best service provider that is serving users all over the country. There are so many companies that are using the service of bulk SMS to meet the targeted customers of a particular company. GetItSMS has earned a positive image in clients and still, the businesses are using GetItSMS’s service of WhatsApp bulk messages to approach the customers in a comprehensive manner.

For WhatsApp bulk SMS service you will be provided all the login credentials when you choose to advertise your business through WhatsApp Promotional Messages. The users do not have to make efforts to register and fill in all the details with them. The whole process will be done by the service provider, whether it is your demo account or real account to start your campaign by sending your messages to the customers.

After you log in to your account with the shared credential you will see the dashboard containing different options. All these options have different purposes. WhatsApp Campaign, WhatsApp (international), WhatsApp Report, Credit History, Change Password and Manage API Key.

Note: You will be allowed to send your messages from Monday to Saturday and in the morning 08:AM to evening 06:PM only. If you send your promotional WhatsApp bulk SMS you will not be allowed in any circumstances. 

When you log in to your dashboard you will be able to send your messages to your customers. However, the dashboard is so easy that it can be handled by any non-technical person.  You do not have to make so many efforts or look for an expert to run a campaign for your business. Handling the panel of WhatsApp is so simple and easy for all types of people.

Now start sending your messages it is so easy you do not have to make any efforts. You have to just add your campaign name in the first and add all the asked information in the dashboard. You have to keep all the required things ready before you send your message. 

  • Add your campaign name
  • Paste all the numbers of the customer whom you want to update with your messages of WhatsApp bulk.
  • Write your message in the box or paste.
  • Now three attachments: Image, PDF and video. Therefore, you have to just drag and drop everything.

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When you are done with this process you will just review everything whether you have added everything or not. If you are satisfied to deliver your message, click on the send message button. Your message will be delivered instantly as you click on the button. 

This is how you can use GetItSMS WhatsApp bulk messaging service to meet your potential customers. GetItSMS has given so many advantages to thousands of people that need the service of WhatsApp bulk messaging to advertise a business. 

How To Send Bulk Messages On WhatsApp Without Broadcast?

Sending bulk messages on WhatsApp without using the broadcast feature requires a bit of finesse and strategic maneuvering. While WhatsApp’s broadcast functionality is commonly used for disseminating messages to multiple contacts simultaneously, it comes with limitations such as recipients being aware that they are part of a broadcast list. To circumvent this and send bulk messages more discreetly, follow these steps on “How to Send Bulk Messages on WhatsApp Without Broadcast“:

1. Create Custom Groups: Instead of broadcasting, consider creating smaller custom groups comprising of a limited number of recipients each. This allows you to target specific groups of people without them knowing they’re part of a larger message distribution.

2. Personalization is Key: Craft your messages with a personalized touch. Address recipients by name and tailor the content to their interests or preferences. Personalized messages are less likely to raise suspicion and feel more genuine.

3. Time Management: Space out the delivery of messages over a reasonable period. Sending too many messages in rapid succession might trigger suspicions or even lead to temporary restrictions on your account. A gradual approach helps maintain the element of surprise.

4. Use Business APIs: If you have a business presence on WhatsApp, consider utilizing WhatsApp Business APIs. These allow for more controlled and automated message distribution, enabling you to send bulk messages efficiently.

5. Manual Sending with Care: For smaller lists, manually sending messages might be feasible. However, exercise caution to avoid being flagged for spam. Vary the content slightly in each message to avoid triggering automated filters.

6. Respect Privacy and Consent: Ensure that you have the consent of the recipients to send them messages, especially if you’re sending promotional content. Respecting privacy and obtaining permission goes a long way in maintaining a positive reputation.

By employing these strategies, you can effectively send bulk messages on WhatsApp without resorting to the broadcast feature. Remember, building genuine connections and engaging content are crucial to ensure your messages are well-received and don’t come across as intrusive or unwelcome.