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Recovering abandoned carts using WhatsApp business API is one of the most enhanced ways to grow an e-commerce business. In the e-commerce industry, abandoned cart recovery is a low-hanging fruit for companies looking to convert their visitors into leads. 

But this is only sometimes simple to implement. In the digital era, young customers have chosen online channels for everything. Because of that, every business is increasing, but one of the businesses experiencing the highest growth is the e-commerce industry. 

The industry helps to save time and effort as well as change the user experience of purchasing goods and services online. Because of that, it has faced various challenges. And the biggest challenge is to recover abandoned carts.

Getgabs will help you recover appropriately abandoned carts through WhatsApp Business API.

What is Abandoned Cart Recovery?

When a client visits an online store or e-commerce website and adds an item to their cart while browsing the products but does not check out with them where they might typically submit their contact details, we term it as an abandoned cart.

Actions to recover these cart items and convert them into a sale are referred to as abandoned cart recovery. Finally, a platform like Getgabs enables you to automate abandoned cart recovery procedures, hence releasing valuable time from manual efforts and earning more money, especially at scale.

A critical factor in recovering abandoned carts is gathering the customer’s information, such as phone number and email address. Without these details, it is not possible to attempt cart recovery, as you have no contact or address to which the cart recovery message may be shared. 

Cart recovery messages are shared over email or SMS. Because of the reduced prominence of email and SMS channels, conversion rates have been dropping over a long period. 

This is where WhatsApp’s business API comes into play to recover abandoned carts. With Getgabs, you can share checkout recovery messages through the official Whatsapp business API for e-commerce stores. 

What are the Reasons for Abandoned Carts?

When customers checkout without proceeding, the items added to the cart are called abandoned carts. To prevent this, we advise you to use the WhatsApp business app. But what are the reasons for abandoned carts? It might be a person’s psychology or change of thoughts for any of the reasons below. 

1. Change of mind of buyer

Often, buyers visit the e-commerce website without realizing the purpose of buying anything. Clients add the items to the carts or buckets and then leave the website without completing the order. 

2. Unexpected charges

E-commerce channels offer various easy-to-do payments through EMI, buy pay later, Amazon easy pay credit cards, and Flipkart pay later. During the checkout process, multiple additional charges, such as open box delivery, GST, platform charges, shipping charges, COD charges, etc., may prevent customers from completing the purchase. High overall costs compared with their initial expectations may also lead to cart abandonment. 

3. Complexity in checkout

A lengthy process for receiving details or demanding too many steps for irrelevant details may frustrate the buyer, leading to an abandoned cart. A checkout process should be easy to reach the payment gateway.

4. Shift to competitor

Clients are like icy paths; they may shift to competitors at a time. Buyers always check for the best price and various preferences for the same item on multiple websites. Suppose they get a single clue to find a better deal or attractive discount. In that case, they can move to a competitor without any doubt and abandon their current bucket. 

E-commerce sellers analyze their abandoned carts as they drive to potential loss and implement various approaches to recover. These may include WhatsApp marketing, email marketing, or announcing best-price deals to clients to make their purchases. 

As per the research, the average rate of abandonment is more than 68.81%, more than 74.52% in some businesses. This shows that for every 100 consumers, more than 70 to 75% leave the website in mid or only add the product to the bucket list but do not buy it. 

It does not matter how many items you provide or how good the products you provide. The clients showed interest in buying but did not buy the product. 

3 Key Benefits of Using WhatsApp Business API for Abandoned Cart Recovery

Other than understanding the causes, such as reach, ease of use, and adoption, there are some essential benefits of using WhatsApp business API for cart recovery efforts.

  1. High read rate: We all know billions of people have used WhatsApp, and because of that, it has a high open rate. The receivers read 80% of WhatsApp messages within 5 mins only, and in general, the entire open rate is around 95%. But do Email and SMS have the same open rates? Of course not!
  2. Conversational means more engaging: Your clients do not need to go anywhere else to start a conversation. The entire chat history is accessible to them in a single window, so they do not have to look for details later.
  3. Real-time means better communication: The faster you target customers who abandoned carts to refer their concerns, the more likely they are to have an excellent brand recall and hence convert to the lead.

How to Use WhatsApp Business API to Recover Abandoned Cart?

Abandoned carts account for a significant revenue loss for online retail industries around the world every day, yet this issue often goes unnoticed. The good news is that by using WhatsApp Business API to send timely, automated messages to your consumers, you may be well on your way to finding solutions to abandoned cart problems.

We will share with you solutions for leveraging WhatsApp Business API for abandoned cart recovery with messages.

1. Share simple reminders on WhatsApp for abandoned carts

Recovering abandoned carts and converting them into leads will not ask you to go out of your way to bring the shoppers back. Often, clients forget about their carts and may require a simple notification to get them back into completing the action. 

The first and most crucial step for abandoned cart recovery is to share a simple reminder to clients with products left behind on their bucket lists. You have to react in a timely and fast manner here. 

The notification shared over WhatsApp for abandoned carts should be sent within one hour of the cart’s abandonment. The goal of this WhatsApp cart recovery reminder is to remind clients about the items they left behind and enable them to complete the shopping. 

The little strike will be all you require for customers on the verge of shopping. Here is an example of a WhatsApp message template that may be used for WhatsApp cart recovery:

Hello Shreya! We are reminding you of the items you left in your bucket. Do not miss out on any of them, as they are going to sell out! Feel free to contact us with any doubts. Thank you!

2. Share social proof

There is not at all a shopper’s trust as much as feedback and opinions of other clients like them. Due to this, the social proofing of products is an excellent asset in multiple elements of marketing.

If clients have not acknowledged your earlier message, sending social proof is the next level. This is an excellent way to facilitate their purchase. You can send customer reviews, ratings, product images, testimonials shared by consumers, etc., showing the quality of products and the satisfaction of various clients. 

Utilize your past client testimonials about the item to showcase how worth your product is. 

See the example of using social proof for WhatsApp abandoned cart recovery message:

Dear customer, Look at what our other client says about the product you saved to the cart. Do not miss buying it. Get back to complete your shopping! 

3. Offer a discount on the cart item

When everything goes out of your hands, influence your shoppers by offering a juicy discount in your WhatsApp cart recovery message. Discounts have been displayed to motivate clients to make online purchases. They can provide clients with a financial incentive to complete their transactions and help you create long-lasting relationships with them.

However, it is essential to acquire the ideal combination of offering a sizable discount and resuming to be profitable. 

Here’s a message template that can be used for WhatsApp cart recovery: 

Hey there! You have added the product to the cart and left without buying. Come back to them and get it with a 30% discount at the checkout!

4. Follow up and offer a shopping guide

Suppose the customer doesn’t answer your initial reminder. In that case, the next course of action is to send a follow-up message providing shopping assistance. It is preferable to send this message 24 hours after the initial reminder.

Consumers who have questions or concerns about a product or the decision to acquire it may be reluctant to make a purchase. They might also require assistance in locating other options, determining the appropriate size, determining fit, etc.

Responding to this WhatsApp cart recovery message can help you assist clients with any questions or concerns they may have about the product or help them find the best products to meet their needs. Check out this sample of a WhatsApp cart recovery notice.

Hello [NAME]!

You overlooked something in your cart. Feel free to contact us if you need our instructions. We are available to guide you with your shopping. Happy shopping!

5. Give a time-sensitive discount

Businesses can strongly influence clients to complete their shopping by offering a more significant discount for a very short time. This strategy integrates the power of a discount with the sensation of impending doom brought on by the fear of losing the item.

Integrating discounts in your message with time sensitivity is an enhanced way to reconnect your shoppers with their shopping experience. 

There is an example you can utilize for WhatsApp cart recovery:

Hey John, we have brought you a fantastic deal to start your day. Come back and complete your purchase to get 50% Off! Then, what are you waiting for?

6. Create FOMO

According to the facts, 60% of people complete purchases because of FOMO, primarily just a few hours before the exclusive deals expire. FOMO (fear of missing out) can slightly result in recovering abandoned carts. You can drive an online buyer to return to your website by simply composing the right WhatsApp cart recovery message. 

You can do this in two steps: show them how popular the item is or how quickly it sells to create a sense of absence. 

Look at the example of how a WhatsApp cart recovery notification is sent:

Hello there! We are reminding you that the product you saved in the cart is selling fast. Would you be willing to buy it before we sell out? Thank you!

7. Ask for customer reviews

If nothing else works, it’s time to return to the whiteboard. Instead of pressuring the customer to make a purchase, set up an automated WhatsApp message asking for feedback.

The aim here is to find the weak points and the cause of your store’s high cart abandonment rates. This can involve understanding the details you present on product pages, your return policy, incorrect sizing charts, and so forth.

Hello, [name], We notice that you haven’t bought anything yet. 

You are no longer satisfied with the product, and we would be happy to help you improve it!

Do you have any comments you would like to give us?

8. Offer customized product suggestions

On WhatsApp, using customized recommendations can significantly increase the number of abandoned cart recoveries.

If a customer hasn’t converted yet, it’s possible that they either lost interest in the item they added to their cart or purchased it from another retailer.

If one of the two situations applies to them, your chances of getting them back to the website are increased when you re-engage them with product recommendations that are comparable to or connected to the abandoned item.

An example of this WhatsApp cart recovery message is as follows:

Hi there!

Something in your cart no longer appeals to you?

Just for you, we’ve included a few comparable items from our best-selling selection!

Look them up right now. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are abandoned carts recovery on WhatsApp?

A. Abandoned cart recovery involves tracking customers who add products to their cart but do not proceed with them at checkout. Using WhatsApp Business API, customers are contacted to complete their purchase.

Q2. Why use WhatsApp to recover abandoned carts?

A. WhatsApp is the most popular communication platform used by billions of people, and it has high open and response rates. Using WhatsApp to recover abandoned carts can grow your customers’ interest in product shopping.

Q3. How can we customize WhatsApp messages for abandoned carts?

A. WhatsApp Business API enables this type of customization. You can personalize your WhatsApp messages with the customer’s name and the items they left in the cart and also give discounts or suggestions. 

Q4. How can we integrate WhatsApp API into abandoned cart recovery?

A. Getgabs is an excellent WhatsApp Business API solution provider that has helped thousands of companies scale their business and customer satisfaction. 

Q5. What type of content can we share in the abandoned cart notifications?

A. The content can include reminders of added items in the cart, ongoing sales, and a direct link to the checkout page to ease the process as much as possible. 


Hence, there is no doubt at all that WhatsApp Business API is the best solution for online businesses to recover abandoned carts. But WhatsApp abandoned cart notifications are only approaching when you share them correctly and strategically – before the client loses interest or buys from someone else. 

This is where e-commerce industries should utilize automation with the help of WhatsApp Business API solution provider, which also enables you to take charge of various consumers’ actions and triggers. 

Getgabs is an excellent WhatsApp Business solution provider that has helped thousands of companies scale their business and improve customer satisfaction. We offer various tested features such as custom WhatsApp message templates, quick replies, bulk messaging, a WhatsApp chatbot, and WhatsApp automation. Integrating these features may help send visually appealing messages and collect data for surveys. 

So, ready to automate your WhatsApp cart recovery alerts? If yes, then contact us today!